Parents Evenings Y1 - Y5
April 1 and April 2
Y6 Spring School
Holiday learning at the new Orion site - 9,10,11 April 9.15 - 12.15
Word Up Fest 2014
From January 27 to the end of March
Read for My School
Part of the Word Up Fest – all children in Y3 – Y6 will have a log in code. There are 100 books to read – all free! See their Champion Reader Cards
Website Launch – Friday 31 January
You found us! Hope you like this new website.
Champion Number – NEW Home Task
Every child needs to practise their times tables 3 times or more per week. Please go to the kid zone and find the maths games – your child needs to do 10 minutes or more and note it on their Champion Number Card!
Homework + Launched
If you want to help your child with some extra homework join our new scheme. Please hand your form into your child’s teacher.
New Orion School
The building will be ready on March 27. Orion children begin there in the summer term! Goldbeaters will join stay on the current site in Burnt Oak but will come up each week for sport and other sessions.
End of term dates:
Orion - March 28th
Y6 come in for mornings on 31 March, 1 April and 2 April
Goldbeaters - 4 April