Overall Curriculum Intent
The child is at the centre of everything we do at Goldbeaters. Our curriculum is built on strong pedagogical principles, with every child encouraged to meet and achieve their potential. We make it our aim to discover what children are good at and, along with a very strong school ethos, we use this to promote a positive attitude to learning. The diversity of our school population, where our pupil community speak over 60 different languages, is reflected in the curriculum we deliver. It is broad and balanced, with opportunities for all pupils to celebrate, share, and learn about their different cultural and spiritual beliefs and to also feel proud of their British culture and identity.
The pupils enjoy an enquiry based curriculum where there is a clear development of essential skills and knowledge. Many pupils may not have access at home to the learning and experiences that may be enjoyed by other children and our approach redresses that imbalance. Our pupils are guided to develop a deep love of learning through curriculum content which is designed to be life enhancing. It is inclusive of every pupil.
This curriculum includes real life experiences and additional enrichment in order to raise achievement and widen opportunity for the many challenged children at our schools. We use a method of learning called Positive Learning Power (PLP). The curriculum is interwoven into a very carefully planned year of events for the whole school community which include many special days and events and 2 learning festivals; a 10 week literacy festival (Word Up) and a 6 week cultural festival (Go Fest)
Curriculum Implementation
The curriculum is delivered through the method of Positive Learning Power and pupils are immersed in learning throughout the school day and beyond. We deliver a curriculum that is exciting and relevant. We use Little Wandle for systematic phonic teaching and early reading skills and dedicate extended time to literacy lessons and the teaching of reading and writing. We use high quality texts and resources. Maths is taught rigorously through White Rose Maths. The rest of the curriculum has been carefully designed to engage learners and enquiry-based learning features highly. The school has adapted the curriculum to help reflect and represent the diversity and challenge of our pupils. Creativity and teacher expertise is woven into the curriculum with specialist teachers and outside agencies working with pupils and teachers, sharing good practice and ensuring that learners learn in a memorable way.
Each subject area has a subject intent, whole school policy, and an annual action plan which outlines development opportunities and clearly links with the school development plan.
Curriculum Impact
The impact of the curriculum is monitored though triangulation of outcomes: pupil voice, test/data outcomes, planning, monitoring of books and displays, lesson learning walks, discussions with teaching staff, pupils and parents.
Pupils, parents and staff are consistently and regularly consulted about the curriculum and the impact that it makes.
The desired outcomes of the curriculum will ensure that pupils are well rounded students, ready to embark on high school education. They will be equipped with the foundations and skills to achieve success in later education. Pupils will know what they are good at and where their talents lie and will have also developed skills to face their challenges.
You will be able to find more details below about what children learn in each year at school by clicking on your child's year group below.
World Learning
Science, History, Geography, RE, PSHE are all taught under the umbrella of World Learning.
These subjects help us to make sense of and understand the world around us. We try to immerse children in learning with special activities or days, for example, Victorian school day, Viking Day, a royal banquet.
Alongside classroom lessons we have offer many enrichment opportunities; trips to the Royal Institution, The Royal Observatory, The L'Oreal Institute; science investigation days, pet club;
pop-up museums, trips out of school to museums, galleries and places of interest around London and places of worship.
We have blocked computer skills and computer science lessons within our classrooms using both laptop and tablet devices. We do regular e-safety lessons use technology to enhance our everyday learning.
Sports and PE
We have 2 hours a week of dedicated PE coaching. PE is taught by a fantastic team of skilled coaches. All children at Goldbeaters enjoy the wonderful facilities at The Orion which include astro pitches, a huge field, basketball courts and a dance studio. Our pupils enter Barnet competitions in athletics, football, netball, basketball and dance. Swimming lessons take place at Copthall Swimming Pool.
Creative Arts - Drama, Dance, Art & Design, Music
We are privileged to have the I-Shine Theatre on site where we experience theatre productions and also perform our own. Staff and children have worked together to successfully stage three incredible Disney shows, The Lion King, Aladdin and The Aristocats after securing a school contract with Disney. We take part in the Primary Shakespeare Festival every year and have won several awards for our schools participation and creativity. We have our own I-Shine Musical Theatre Academy for talented children and we work with ID Kids - a talent agency which has selected many children for their books. Selected children have appeared in advertising campaigns, films, West End Musicals and touring musicals and social media campaigns.
Throughout the school whole classes of children are taught to play the recorder, the keyboards and the ukele. We have some specialist instrument tuition in piano, guitar and drumming with our wonderful music teacher Rastko.