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We are very proud of our school uniform and children are expected to look SMART

Children are expected to be in full school uniform every day.


In line with DfE Statutory Guidance on the cost of school uniform the school does not make any money on school uniform. We have kept our prices to parents/carers low for many years and parents buy the jumper and polo shirt at cost to the school. On starting school children all receive a FREE book bag folder. We strive to help all our families who suffer financial hardship through the BYT charity or via payment plans so that no children are disadvantaged by not having access to correct school uniform.


Goldbeaters polo shirts and sweatshirts and cardigans can be ordered from school directly.

They should be worn with grey school trousers/shorts, grey skirts or pinafore dresses available at all supermarkets.

Children should wear smart black shoes/boots that fit well and are comfortable.


PE kit is very important and from Y1 children MUST have a full kit in school.

Reception children do not need a PE kit

T-shirts, shorts and tracksuits must be ordered from the school office.


We have regular pre-loved uniform sales (see below) and support parents in replacing lost items.


If you are a parent needing additional support with school uniform for your child please speak to one of our senior members of staff, Mr F or Mrs Dawes or contact the school office.


Please see our school uniform policy by clicking here

Please follow the steps below to order uniform for your child:


  1. Please print the form below or collect one from the main office
  2. Write your child's name and class on the front of an envelope and put your order form and correct payment inside
  3. Post your envelope into the black post box, located opposite the main office next to the display of the uniform on the wall