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I-Shine Learning

It is more than just "school" at Goldbeaters and Orion.

I Shine Learning is the name we give to All we do.
We believe in a Positive Way of Living and Learning TOGETHER where:

  • Children come first and are immersed in a real culture of positivity, they MUST Shine!
  • Happiness is essential to ensure rapid progress and a love of learning.
  • Teaching and learning is delivered in a sunny, creative and enhancing way.
  • Staff are not just teachers….they are coaches and all champion children.

Fundamental Things

iPower – the Power to Live, Learn and be kind

  • The children learn how to have an impact on the world. iPower is the ability to be a great learner, make great choices in everyday life and be super kind.
  • In a positive environment the children do not need heavy rules that they fear. Our children have the ability (iPower) to be able to act in a way which helps everyone.


  • Communication skills are something all children need extra help to develop. iTalk is the name we give to our big focus on greetings, manners, explaining and socialising.

Kindness Kids

  • We have a collective name for our children – Kindness Kids. All have an amazing natural talent – kindness. The year has times when we focus on tasks to change the world. Children are broken into groups with key responsibilities eg happiness leaders.

DO MORE and Eager Readers

  • Children are encouraged to do more than “the basics”. It is also essential that they expand their knowledge of the world. We help them develop a DO MORE attitude about learning and life……I Shine University, extra reading, IT skills, fact finding…etc  

I Shine's Curriculum


  • Every year has a title/theme. This is called our "Quest"
  • This annual theme helps a more rapid development of learning.


Learning in EYFS - 2yrs - 4yrs

  • The EYFS programme of learning is designed to meet the many needs of our children entering school for the first time. There is an emphasis on communication skills, creativity and social and physical development.
  • Little Wandle Phonics commences in Reception.


Learning - Academic Learning, World Learning, KS1 & KS2

  • Academic Learning is reading, writing and maths.
  • World Learning is all other subjects including science, history, art etc


Orion/Goldbeaters Literacy and Numeracy Time

  • Orion & Goldbeaters Literacy, Little Wandle Phonics, White Rose Numeracy
  • Classes are divided into fast learning groups ranging from 14-25 children.
  • Every child makes rapid progress with their teacher coach.


Curriculum Design

  • All subjects are carefully designed to contain the appropriate skills, knowledge and vocabulary for our pupils. Schemes of work are in place for all.
  • Subject files have a huge level of detail including our intent, implementation and impact (how we do things)


Champion Reader, Master Reader, Mathletics and DO MORE

  • Home reading is essential and we call this Champion Reader. 10+ minutes per day.
  • Master reader - reading for Y6.
  • SumDog, Mathletics, X table Rockstars - online help in maths and for homework too.


GO Goals and Assessing Pupil Progress

  • The academic curriculum is set out in "I can" simple statements/targets for pupils.
  • Find them in the front of children's maths and writing books.
  • They are our way of measuring the skills and knowledge learnt in literacy, maths and science in each year group. Other subjects have different ways of assessing GO Goals reached.
  • Pupils are assessed each term.


The Power Bank and Zones of Regulation

  • Simple techniques to ensure that the very challenged are engaged in learning.
  • This is a method we use to help pupils be in the right frame of mind to learn.


The Olympic Standard

  • Bronze, Silver and Gold Challenges help the more able move on quicker in most subjects.


Power Boosters

  • Support/Catch Up/Extension Programmes - all children need to learn that we need additional help in life at some point. We know that this is one of the most important parts of our schools...when you find things hard we are there to help and accelerate.
  • There are children who need support beyond the literacy and numeracy sessions eg for catch up, new to English and extension. We are our Teaching Assistants - Teaching Accelerators too!

Cultural Capital Learning - The Amazing I Shine Year

I-Shine's 101 Event Challenge


Event Filled Learning Year and Super Friday

  • Our challenge is to have over 101 learning events/experiences beyond the curriculum.
  • Every month has a theme and each Friday something special is celebrated or enjoyed eg Rocktober.


GO FEST and Word Up Fest - "Learning Festivals"

  • GO Fest is a 6 week summer festival for the children and the whole community. This spans the month of June and July. The number of events are massively increased as we end the year.
  • Word Up Fest is an 8-10 week literacy festival running through the toughest part of the winter months. Literacy skills and particularly vocabulary are enhanced.
  • Awesome Colour Power - is a simple set of 6 life skills that we also learn during the learning festivals eg orange = confidence, blue = adventurous

I Shine's Talent Schools


I Shine University

One night each week pupils stay for an additional 40 minutes and take part in activities that are not on the curriculum but help them find and discover their passion and talents.

The I Shine Clubs

Children wanting to participate in extra learning join "clubs" are set up in art, music, sport etc.  Able pupils from both schools aspire to join our I Shine Academies.

Children who love areas such as maths, reading, general knowledge, IT, debating and caring need to feel that they are valued as talented sports and arts children.

I Shine Services


I Shine Arts Hub - theatre, dance and art courses in the evening.

I Shine Weekend Football - Go Stars Teams.

I Shine Holiday Hub - school holiday provision run by us.

I Shine After School Hub - after school care til 6pm.

I Shine Catering - in house catering for all events.

I Shine Cleaning - the children need a school cleaned with pride - in house cleaning.


One Kind Productions - we have a Youtube channel for monthly films as well as an adult acting group. Our films give news and information as well as positive messages to our community. Our actors present shows to families and the school community.
