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Cultural Festival - Go Fest

Our Cultural Festival (Go Fest) takes place in the summer


Go Fest is a highlight in our school calendar, loved by the children and their families. Find out here how Go Fest helps learning?


Go Fest is about having new, real and different learning experiences. The school year is very classroom based up until May and then there are the Sats for Y6 and Y2 pupils. Go Fest brings in a taste of the real world ie art and culture throughout June and July.


The weeks of Go Fest are categorised by colour and different types of learning, for example knowledge weeks, outdoor learning weeks, performance weeks. Normal lessons continue as much as possible and Go Fest supplements and enriches the normal timetable. We hope that children will experience REAL things and then be inspired about life, the world and their future.


Go Fest starts after May half term and lasts for 5 or 6 weeks. The children wear Go Fest uniform for the duration. June and July is very special in our school. Learning continues at a fast pace, children are re-energised - there is no being bored of the timetable and no wind down to the summer holiday! Our festival enables everyone to enjoy a different type of learning and excites and enthuses everyone in the community.  We aim for unforgettable!


Experiences during Go Fest over the years have included...performances and talks from singers and magicians, dancers from the Royal Ballet, professional tap dancers, break dancers and circus performers.  We learn outside for a whole week, experiencing cook outs, forest school activities, climbing, orienteering and acquiring knowledge about nature and the world around us. We learn Shakespeare, experience opera, comedy, puppetry, drama and music and much more. Children get to experience camping, go on school journey and take part or come to see shows at the Fringe Festival - where up to 20 shows are put on across the weekend for the school community.
