Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) and Inclusion information
Information and websites to support parents and carers of children with SEND
Local Authority SEND information
All schools (maintained) in Barnet have a parallel approach to meeting the needs of pupils with SEND and are given support by the Local Authority to ensure that every pupil makes the best possible progress in school, regardless of their specific needs. We are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that we are an inclusive school with the needs of pupils with SEND being met within Goldbeaters wherever possible.
The Local Authority has produced a Local Offer which sets out what’s ordinarily available in mainstream schools within Barnet and what provision we are expected to offer. A vast amount of information regarding SEND is available on Barnet Local Authority’s SEN Local Offer webpage.
Inclusion at Goldbeaters
At Goldbeaters, we have an Inclusion Team that works together to support children with SEND, EAL, behaviour difficulties, social difficulties and a range of other learning needs within the school. The team includes the people listed below as well as many teaching assistants and professionals from outside agencies.
Mrs Thakker – Deputy Team / SENCO / Safeguarding / TAs & LSAs / Literacy Team / Early Help
Mrs Dawes – Lead Deputy / Safeguarding Officer / Working with parents / Early Help / Literacy Team
Mrs Power – Deputy Team / EYFS Lead / Literacy Team
Mrs Kabs – Office Administrator / Parent Liaison / Attendance and punctuality concerns
Our SEN Governor is Ms Sarah Fox
Our School Information Report answers questions set out in the Code of Practice 2020 about how we welcome and support children with additional needs and the provision available within our school.
Link to our SEN Policy
Information and websites to support parents and carers of children with SEND
The SEND Information, Advice and Support Service supports parents of children with SEN and Disability
2 Bristol Avenue
Tel: 020 8359 7637
Email: SENDIASS@barnet.gov.uk
DFE’s Guide for Parents with children who have SEN
SEN Code of Practice 2020 Document
SEN & Disability Legislation information
Short breaks and 0-25 Disability Team information
Barnet Mencap provides a range of services and campaigns with people with learning disabilities and people with autism or Aspergers and their families to secure good services and support in the borough.
Mencap works with people with a learning disability to change laws, challenge prejudice and support them to live their lives as they choose.
IPOP works towards strengthening play provision for mainstream and disabled children.
Independent parental special educational advice can be found on ipsea
Special Needs Jungle - Parent led information, advice and tips
Barnet Parent Carer Forum are a voluntary group of enthusiastic, committed parents and carers in the London Borough of Barnet working with the local authority to ensure that the voices of children, young people and their families are heard.